View Profile neogeo0823

36 Game Reviews

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I hate the mofunzone logo

The game was challenging at first, but once you got the hang of it, it wasn't that bad. I found that the best way to win was to make 2 piles of bodies, one at rach side of the area, then stick around in the center and add onto those as you went. The clones are only able to hit you when they are relatively level with you, so if you're lower than them, you can hit them and they can't touch you.

Some things that would've been nice would've been more powerups. Maybe a firing rate doubler, or a slow-time power up, or even some kind of rare "kill everything on the screen" style powerup. Psy powers could've been upgraded as well, to include things like levitating body parts to either move them or throw them at clones, expand the psy bar, or maybe a more powerful power that rips the clone apart and does some splash damage.

What I hated most in this game was the Mofunzone logo. That fucker cost me the game after I got so high up that the little altitude indicator bar left the screen. If it was really small, or up at the top, it might've been better, but as it stands, it's only getting in the way. Due to the way I was playing once I had gotten the gun upgrade, I had accidentally opened up 4 different Mofunzone windows, all near the same time. The resulting lag let a horde of clones into my little crater of safety which then proceeded to pummel me to death. Fan-fucking-tastic.

If the Mofunzone logo hadn't been there, I'd still be going, thousands of feet in the air. :(

Interesting in its own right

I played yesterday until around... was it level 75? I think it was 75, maybe 80. I planned to go to 100, but the game began to massively lag from all those outbreak things.

Once I figured out that the meter on the right was for how many cells you injected and not for how big you made the cells, my basic strategy was to look for an opening where I would have some time to expand a cell without needing to worry about the outbreak. This allowed me to create a giant cell, which would create its own interruptions that I could use to create more giant cells. After getting 4 or 5 really nice sized cells, I could focus on spaming a few medium and small sized cells to trap the remaining outbreak things.

After level 60, there was no real thought to it other than to get those giant cells out, then spam small-ish ones and the rest would trap themselves in groups of around 20 and kill each other off. Really, it was levels 20-60 that were difficult. It was an interesting game, but after so many levels of the same thing, it became boring. A power up system would've been cool, or maybe re/awards for beeting certain levels?

As a basic strategy guide, heres a couple tricks I found to work:
1.) Make a big cell near the side of the screen. as it floats up, the outbreak hits it and flies toward the opposite end. Before it gets there, make a big cell and launch it at the opposite corner from the first. As the outbreak hits it and deflects away, get a third big cell ready almost directly beneath the second one. Repeat until you have 5 or 6 big cells in place.

2.) always look to get the outbreak into groups. They are much easier to handle and much easier to kill that way. Sometimes it takes patience, sometimes skill, sometimes a few hits of the reset button. You're not penalized for hitting it, so feel free to use it. I did restart quite a few levels because they either didn't start the way I wanted them, or because I realized I was about to lose.

3.) Never use the smaller cell sizes if you can help it. They waste your precious resources and accomplish nothing. Always go for the bigger sizes, but don't get carried away, as a popped bubble still uses resources.

I haven't read all the reviews or anything, but let me know if anyone gets to a higher level than I did.

Needs some work

This has alot of promise, but its problems really make it hard to enjoy the game fully. First, I know your working on it, but that glitch thing seems to be happening to everyone. Instead of trying to recreate it on your computer, maybe you could have a friend try it and see if they get the glitch? if they have flash as well, maybe you can figure out whats going on with the coding.

some suggestions to consider would be:
1. first and foremost, make some kind of healing system! im thinking a relatively cheap item you can purchase in the shop, plus maybe an extra item thats more expensive that heals you over time that you could possibly upgrade between matches?
2. more/better/easier to get upgrades. the ones you have are cool, but without the healing thing, i never lived to see them. some "intermediate" weapons would be good, though. maybe a "bot" helper that acts like a second player? or possibly some kind of shielding system? also, removing the level cap on upgrading your actual ship thingy would be nice. i was able to fully upgrade it, but never had enough money to buy any other upgrades, and died on the level with the huge, monster head looking things that the core spit out.
3. unlockables. being able to unlock things by getting higher scores increases replay value exponentially until you run out of stuff to unlock. suggestions for that would be new weapons, skins for your ship or backgrounds, new music, etc. etc. yeah, sure, it would increase file size a bit, but its not like this is a huge game as it is, right?

overall, decent, but definately needs alot of improvement to be great. take it back to the drawing board, iron out a few kinks, add a couple layers of polish, and your good to go.

definately interesting

i wouldnt call this the best game on newgrounds, like so many have, but its definately good. i played through and won the scenario portion, and then went on to last something like 360 seconds in survival mode and get to tech level 13, before accidentally setting off a nuke right next to my launcher, destroying it. i couldve kept going indefinately if that hadnt happened.

other than the already listed problems, i havent encountered anything i dont horribly hate. i will chime in and say that the pause button should definately stop enemy movement, though. i had several times when i was called away from the computer and had to restart from my last save. it was very annoying.

for those that complain about how they died so quickly, heres how i did it:
on my first two level ups, i put one point into tech upgrades and 4 into stability. this gave me the purple and green weapons and the stability to fire them. after that, my next 3 upgrades all went into energy. this gave me the firepower to kill most of the stuff at that level. the trick on scenario is at the start of the wave, grab the green weapon and get it ready, angling it almost straight up, but slightly toward the enemy. when the first line passes over the crater, let the orb go and watch as it bounces off the walls, going faster and faster, until it hits the side of the line, instantly fragging all but maybe two or three of them. after that, use the blue weapon to knock the enemies into each other to clear them away.

keep repeating this strategy, two points into weapon tech, 8 into stability, then 15 into energy and youll have plenty of firepower to deal with everything. after you get all the weapons, put 5 points into the gravity thing so you can throw stuff around. this is very useful for the big guys, cause you can clear out a big group of smaller enemies with one really big tank. it may say that you cant move them, but if you click and move the mouse really fast, you can throw the big tanks with ease on level one

once you get all the tech, and the level 1 gravity thing, continue putting points into stability and energy. put 2 points into stability, then 3 points into energy with each level up. keep track of your stability with the highest tech weapon, and make sure you dont put too many points into stability. after you reach 90% with the last weapons stability, just pour everything into energy. at this point, though, you should be invincible, so it shouldnt matter.

weapon uses: i really only used the blue, green, gold, and the first red weapons in the game. the blue one was my main gun, and was used 95% of the time. the green one was used for when the enemy was in a line, the gold one was used on lone boss tanks to kill them, and the red one was used like the green one, but to clear out clusters on enemies instead of lines of them. the gravity weapon was used solely on the big tanks to throw them into groups of small ones, or another big tank.

other than that, try to keep your enemies at a distance. most of my killing happened before they even reached the crater. and definately kill the nuke tanks (the ones with the nuclear symbol on them) from a distance, otherwise, its doom for your launcher. the further back you can keep the enemy, the more time you have to recharge your weapon, aim your gun, think about your strategy, or fire extra rounds. keep an eye on the sides of the canyon, because some vehicles can almost be completely hidden under the overhanging walls.

ok, thats pretty much it. i hope this helps out some of you guys. and with that, im going back to try the next level of survival.

laser cannon = "make it go away, mommy!" button :P

i played this yesterday and lost horribly. it was probably cause i invested in the first shotgun before i could do much else.

anyway, i liked the game alot. it was challenging to start, but once i did a bit of research i found a good winning strategy. i saved up points until i could buy the first assault rifle. then i used that and saved up points until i could get overkill, repairing as necessary. once i got overkill, i bought the second assault rifle and saved for bloodlust. after getting that, it was easy to get the dsert eagle, and from there, things skyrocketed. after buying all the weapons and then upgrading myself and my base to 3k hp each, i basically just let everybody crowd around me and the base before scooting off to the side and blasting them all with the laser. instant 3k xp.

btw, you dont have enough room for the xp counter to go over 100k xp. just an fyi ;)

other than that, though, it was pretty fun. i got to the point where everything was easy around 8 or 9 am the second day. id suggest some kind of daily boss that you could fight around noon each day. maybe a giant monster with like 8 or 900 hp or something. just to make it interesting.

hey stumpo! calm down some!

el stumpo, runescape's community is soo far downhill that they make the turd of the week games look decent! and i say this after playing it for more than a year. but now is not the time for flame wars and battles. here is my review.

overall it was nice. i put 0 for sound cause my crappy school computers have no speakers and i forgot my headphones :*( it was an interesting game overall. there some cool points and some bad points.

first the bad points. i didnt like how slow the drill was when it walked. i could probably have lived with it if it wernt for the fact that the controls seemed a bit clunky. it was confusing to get used to which was probably why i didnt make it through the first 4 levels or so. if the robot moved a bit faster or had some powerup that made it easier to avoid/destroy the nasa guys, then the beggining levels wouldve been much easier.

the good points were that it was original, even though it did remind me a bit of motherload(possibly from the whole "go to another celestial body and mine for ore there for a profit" kinda thing) it wasnt too much like it to say it was a ripoff or anything. it was harder for those that like challenging games(maybe put in different difficulty levels or something?) and it seems like you put a decent amount of work into it.

to sum it up: good job and nice work. maybe make it a bit easier somehow and it would be great.


pretty good game overall. i liked the subtle hints of greed and corruption hidden within it. but i have a few suggestions and questions.

first, the suggestions: please make it easier to see the warnings. instead of those little lights at the bottom, how about a beep and a small message or something? alot of the time, i wouldnt notice the dim blinking lights until a diseased cow had been slaughtered, or all my pasture went to dirt. also, those little "yell"s that the guys do when they have something to tell you are kinda annoying.

now my questions: first, is there any way to actually win this game?

it seemed that no matter what i did, whether i grew slowly, working at my own sweet pace up in output and production, or went and expanded as quick as i possibly could, there way no way to make everyone happy.

alot of the time, it would seem as though the game would just create problems for me. for example, i was doing fairly decently(about 20K cash) and i fired a worker(the first one i had to fire, ever) who was <i>still</i> spitting in the food after i both disiplined and rewarded him and suddenly i have the workers coalition or whatever jumping down my throat for tons of cash.

then in another attempt, i was doing well until i added a third cow pasture and suddenly people just wouldnt stop getting food poisoning. i tried everything, i corrupted the appropriate guy, ran the appropriate add and made sure that i wasnt using anything "unnatural" with my fodder or cows and i even checked the cows constantly for diseases while checking for other workers spitting in the food(somthing they seem to LOVE doing) and i got hit not once, but twice for food poisoning sanctions!

then, of course, theres the times when people would just stop coming into the restaurant. i dont know why they wouldnt come in. i had plenty of employment, i had two and even three adds running at once, i had plenty of food, and none of the standard "i hate mcdonalds" cheerleading squads were trying to get my VERY hard earned cash, but i still couldnt get enough customers to make a profit. of course, if i fire any of the help, i get sued by a band of workers. if i get rid of any of the cow pastures, or soy fields, i have no raw materials for production. if i stop running an add, then the two or three customers i get per month would go away to. if i stopped bribing the various people, then i would get sued by everyone around me.

i dont know, maybe thats the point of the game? that there is no winning it? is it possible that this whole thing is just some cruel fasade to show that your true feelings for mcdonalds are that it should inevitably go under? if not, then how the hell do they stay afloat in all this mess??

not bad for a first draft

this was a pretty good demo. overall, there were a few things i would like to see for the complete game, though. i would like to see a button on the word box that you click to advance the text. that way, people can take their time and read them as fast or as slow as they want. next, i would like to see a bit more of an in depth world to explore. what you showed was nice, but it was too straightforward for my taste. maybe if you could make like a puzzle or two to solve along the way to the castle. nothing too hard, but just to make it interesting. finally, the throwing thing that you have to do is a little hard. i had lost two lives before i figured out that i had to let the bar charge all the way to hit the shyguys.

all in all, it was ok, but it requires some real tweeking to make a full product.

interesting in so many ways

there were many good and bad points to this game. some of the things that couldve been better couldve been a run button or something to make him move faster(walkig everywhere gets mighty boring after a while) the ring and the witch thing were confusing, is this a lord of the rings take off? i never watched that (or read the book. couldnt bring myself to do so...=/) the walkthrough was a bit vague and that was good. the puzzle thing couldve definately been better if you could move the pieces with the arrow keys, though. the end was kinda random too. is there any way to win the battle agains the monster? and when i died, i hit continue and it was the end sequence and credits. just wanna know if thats how its supposed to happen.

and to big_gomer: did you get all four things in the vial? first pure water from the cave, then salt water from the pond, then the egg, then vacuum up death and blow hiim into the mix. you have to do it in that order or it wont work.

anyway, good game. keep it up! :)

do you really think im that stupid! i know your really here to steal my secret identity and make an army of super mutants! <-(to a mirror)

Age 38, Male


ehh, its not important

tonawanda, ny

Joined on 7/18/03

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